Bill Esterson MP releases statement re traffic issues in Sefton

Bill Esterson MP said:
"The power failure at Brooms Cross Road and the delay in fixing the problem caused unacceptable levels of disruption.
My office were in touch with Scottish Power each day to urge them to fix the power supply issue as soon as possible, and we were liaising with Sefton Council to try to manage the temporary traffic lights better to ease congestion. My office has also been in constant contact with Sefton Council regarding other roadworks in the area.
The road closure at Edge Lane in Thornton and roadworks in Northway and Dover Road in Maghull combined with the problem at Brooms Cross have made travel very difficult for many people. The council must co-ordinate roadworks in a more thoughtful way to avoid excessive congestion and reduce inconvenience.
The Edge Lane roadworks were due to be completed on January 24 and now I’m told it will be the first week of February. Changes at the Northway roadworks have made a bad situation even worse and I have urged Sefton Council to consider how it might be done in a different way to reduce the impact on congestion. Residents are missing medical appointments, late for work, taking children to school or going about their business due to the delays.
People are scared that they or loved ones might be put at risk because of road closures that would make it more difficult for emergency vehicles to get through. I have written to the ambulance and fire services to ask for their assessment of the arrangements for them to reach homes and patients in an emergency"