Warning to other dog owners about the banned zones at Duke Street Park

Dear Formby Bubble:
I’ve been caught with my dog off the lead (unknowingly and fined) around the tennis courts at Duke Street Park before now and am always warning others of the risk of the same happening to them. You know, being neighbourly. Well, I won’t do it again after today.
1) Old fella comes in with his medium dog off lead in a ‘dogs on leads’ zone, I tell him, he grunts but, puts dog on lead.
2) woman in 60s comes in with medium dog off lead in same zone, I tell her, she laughs, shakes her head and continues into the secure park (red, no dogs allowed zone). Children scream, run to their parents.
3) Fella in his 40s with TWO medium-large dogs off leads, dogs running around everywhere. I tell him, he goes ‘you the police? No? Then, I don’t care!’ and stormed off.

I’m done doing this. I’m a regular Duke Street user, responsible dog owner in my late 30's. I don’t want dogs banning from the park by the council because of idiots like this and people grumpier than me complaining!
Name Redacted.

some people just don't listen and spoil it for everyone else, there's no excuse when the rules are there for all to see.