Warning sent out as 2 girls approached by a man to get in his car whilst walking to school in Formby

Formby High School have sent a Safeguarding Incident' letter out to parents after they received a message from Sefton Council this morning.
Two girls were walking to school this morning, Friday 10th March, one primary school age and one secondary school age, they took the cut-through near Holmwood Gardens when they were approached by an Asian man in a black Peugeot car who asked them to get into his car. Fortunately, the girls father was also walking close behind and saw what went on.
Please be extra vigilant and where possible, remain in groups of two or more and keep to main, well lit, roads and pathways when walking to and from school.
Message from Seton Council:
"This morning (10th March), on their way to school, 2 girls (one primary age, one secondary) were approached by an Asian man in his 30s in a black Peugeot car & asked if they would like to get in. Their father was walking behind them & so was able to see what was going on. The incident happened near Holmwood Gardens cut-through in Formby. The police have been informed."
Here is the letter sent from Formby High School to parents earlier today...
Dear Parent
One of our students was approached in Formby this morning and asked if she needed a lift. Whilst this may be completely innocent, we would encourage you to have a discussion with your son / daughter over the weekend, reminding them how to keep safe whilst walking to and from school. We will also share this information with the students today.
Please reinforce to your child the following safeguarding guidance for students when walking to and from school.
Our guidance for staying safe is identified below:
Where possible students to remain in groups of two or more and keep to main, well lit, roads and pathways when walking to and from school.
If approached by a stranger, never divulge any personal information; this includes times and places that you may frequent or names of friends who you are going to meet.
If approached by a stranger, never get in their car.
If approached by a stranger, make contact with the nearest point of safety; this could be a shop, a school crossing patrol, a parent or indeed the school itself.
If approached by a stranger, please inform the Police as soon as possible. This will allow for an increased chance of locating the person who may still be in the area.
Use your mobile phone to contact home, school or the Police.
If necessary, return to school by the closest entrance.