Building work has commenced on the site at the back of Wetherspoons for 9 apartments

This is a view of the spare land behind Wetherspoon's Pub in Formby. The Lifeboat which is completely fenced off from the pub. The land has become a very marketable block of flats with excellent access to the village. We have also been told that the flats have all been sold already!
The development comprising of 9 apartments to the land at the rear of the Lifeboat, Three Tuns Lane/Sumner Road which was granted planning permission earlier this year.
The apartments will look over the car park at Sumner Road and also back onto the Wetherspoons beer garden but will be very sought after due to their location in the village. They are due to be completed before Summer next year.

The apartments will be 2 bedrooms. Five apartments will be built on the ground floor and four apartments with balconies on the first floor. Ten parking spaces will also be allocated, one for each apartment and one guest space. There will also be a 2m high boarded boundary fence around the entire perimeter.