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Police appeal for information after a dog was stolen in Formby Car Key Burglary

Merseyside Police is appealing for information following a report of a dog being stolen during a car key burglary in Formby on Saturday, 4 November 2017. Officers were called to a report that a seven-year-old Springer Spaniel dog called Tilly had been taken from a property on Freshfield Road, Formby, along with a BMW car.

The burglary occurred between around 5.30am and 7.30am.

The car was later recovered and the owners are still searching for their dog.

The offenders also took a brown Mulberry handbag, purple purse, and a Barbour brown leather satchel along with an iPad Air. Enquiries are now being carried out into the theft and CCTV is being located and reviewed. Detective Inspector Robert Moss said: "The dog's owners are clearly very distressed and we are doing everything we can to try to locate the person responsible for this incident, and reunite the owner with her pet dog, Tilly.

"I would appeal to anyone who has seen the dog or has any information about this incident to call officers on 101 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111."

Original Story on 5th November:

A burglary took place at a house off Freshfield Road area in Formby in the early hours of this morning, Sunday 5th November, between 1am and 6am.

The BMW car was stolen and the family dog, Tilly, a 7 year old Springer Spaniel is also gone. The family do not know if the dog has been stolen or if she has been let out during the break-in.

Tilly is small and very timid and could be anywhere right now. If she escaped during the burglary, that means, she is out on her own somewhere in the Formby/Freshfield area.

Please look out for Tilly. If you see her, please call one of the mobile numbers below and someone will come straight away.

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If you know anything at all about this incident, please call Merseyside Police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

Please call these numbers if you see or hear anything about Tilly. Thankyou

Tel: 07749 001 462

Tel: 07538 084 985

Update: 10:15am: - The BMW car has now been found in L3 area (City centre, Everton area) of Liverpool.

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