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Thanks to generous people of Formby, over £350 was raised in Tesco today to help get Ben a Hugabike

Ben is 13-years old and his family are trying to raise money to buy him a much needed Hugabike which is like a tandem bike but the child sits on the front being hugged by the parent behind.

On Saturday 24th June, Ben's family did fundraising with a bucket collection at Formby Tesco and raised over £350. Ben's father said: "Thank you to Nicky Benson for looking after us and to Sean Gallagher for the Introduction. We met some lovely and very generous people today and we are truly humbled and grateful for your help in getting us to our total. Today we raised £365. Well done Formby shoppers and on top of the £920 already pledged, this brings us even closer to our total. We would like to say also a big Thank you to Carol and Darren Maxwell for donating the T-shirts. Please carry on sharing and thank you all once again from Jon, Cath, Ben and Josh."

Ben's family have been trying to raise enough money to buy him a hugabike. Ben is now 13 years-old and has a congenital heart condition, he has had several corrective operations the last being two years ago. Now that Ben is back on his feet and feeling well, he wants to start joining in with the family activities but, due to his autism this hinders him greatly, his family have tried to get Ben to learn to ride a bike, they got him a trike as they thought this would be the easiest and safest option all round but he can't get to grips with peddling the correct way. After hours and hours of trying to coach him, they have given up with that one, Ben's family have looked at several other options none of them are suitable or safe enough for him.

Last month after having to once again explain to Ben why he couldn't go out with his parent and his brother they again searched the internet and came across the perfect solution which is a tandem bike called 'A Hugabike'. The cost of this is a whopping £3,500 and your help in achieving this would be so very much appreciated.

Please help get Ben out and joining in with his family! any donation is amazing little or large! Thank you.

Guys here is the link

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