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Formby Squirrels Rotary collect 18 bags of rubbish from Lifeboat Road beach

Members of Formby Squirrels Rotary Club and friends met on Thursday 25th May, at Lifeboat Road carpark, in Formby, to partake in a beach clean with Jayne Foat from Sefton Rangers.

Jayne briefed us all on Health and Safety issues before giving us a few bin bags and a litter picker each. The beautiful sunny evening was perfect for the gentle stroll across the dunes and along the beach, during which eighteen bags of rubbish were collected. On meeting back at the car park, a "car-boot picnic" was enjoyed, to close a very pleasant evening.

If you would like to take part in a beach clean in your local area go to for more information.

Formby Squirrels Rotary meet at 7.30pm on the second Thursday of each month at The Grapes, Formby and hold a social event at various locations every fourth Thursday. New members (or people simply interested in finding out more) are always welcome, call 07891 732117 or email for more details.

Tickets are now available for our Wine Tasting with Cheese Platter evening at Formby Luncheon Club on Friday 30th June. All proceeds to Southport Lifeboat. Tickets are £12.50 by email:

Top Photo: Jayne Foat front left along with other members and friends of Formby Squirrels Rotary Club.

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