Boys bike used as a getaway for a robbery in Formby shop

Three 12 year-old boys were followed by someone from Formby Cricket Club to the Spar on Green Lane in Formby on Tuesday evening around 7pm.
The male following the boys had his head covered with a scarf and a hat. He went into the Spar and it was reported that he stole some items and then ran out of the shop and around the corner to where he saw the bike parked outside the new milkshake shop and stole it!
The bike is similar to the one pictured above with a 16 inch frame and has that distinct blue bottle holder as per the photo.
We are looking for witnesses to come forward as the case has been filed unsolved by the Police unless new evidence is found.
The boys father, Paul said: "The thief took the bike and then rode back past the spar and off again. Given he knew the bike might be unattended he checked around the corner which leads me to believe he was the person who followed them as he rode it off apparently in the original direction he came."
He went on to say: "The person in question was a male adult but, the manager at the spar couldn’t give any further description as his face was covered, it appears there is nothing further the police can do as a result of no clear picture. I would say that milkshake place is becoming very popular with younger kids and perhaps should have a bike stand and CCTV itself. Kids are spending a lot of time in there waiting for their shakes and I feel its an easy target."
If anyone knows the whereabouts of the bike, please call Paul on Tel: 07711 686359
If you have any information about this, could you please call the Police on 101 or alternatively, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111
Always get your bike protectively marked and always lock it up to avoid someone just taking off with it.