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Police Crime Prevention surgery today at Tesco, Formby By Pass

The next West Sefton Crime Prevention Surgery is at Tesco, Formby By Pass today (Friday 9th September), from 1pm to 3pm, inside Costa Coffee.

Go along and speak to the team. They offer free advice and encourage you to register your valuables on

Please go along to discuss any Police matters or any local issues that you may be concerned about in our Bubble and have your say about any issues that effect you.

At any surgery, officers can security mark your phone or other property and then record the identification numbers onto a database to assist recovery should your property be lost or stolen.

Merseyside Police:

We want to involve you and keep you up to date about what we've been doing and what's going on where you live and we want to hear about what you have to say. We are an accessible Police service at the heart of your community.

Next Meetings:

Meeting at Waitrose, Formby village on Friday 16th September, from 1pm to 3pm, inside the cafe.

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