The power of the community, Formby Parish Council and the Bubble, the Stopping Up Order is withdrawn

Due to combined power of the community, Formby Parish Council and the Bubble, the Stopping Up Order on Kirklake Road has been withdrawn.
On 9th August, Formby Bubble released a story about the land on Kirklake Road which had been destroyed in Storm Arwen in November last year. A local resident had made submissions to take over the land as her own and the resident had applied for a ‘Stopping Up’ Order to stop public access and fence the land off to use as her own.
After the overwhelming response by members of the public and the intervention of the Formby Parish Council, the order has now been withdrawn.
Cllr Dave Irving wrote a letter to Taylor Wimpey who own the land and Cllr Irving explained everything about the application to turn a piece of Open Public Land from a devastating storm which removed all the trees into a private garden planning application.
Cllr Irving also said that Formby Parish Council would consider taking over the numerous pieces of land owned by them in Kirklake Road in perpetuity for a nominal charge.
Taylor Wimpey have agreed to withdraw this land sale as it has brought a lot of anger to our lovely community and appears to be interested in this idea which will be discussed at the next Full Parish Council meeting in Formby Library on Tuesday 6th September at 7.00p.m. when council members will consider this proposal.
A motion has also been put forward to Sefton Council which criticizes the way Sefton Councils Planning Department failed to notify residents and have asked that this procedure under what they call Sefton Councils Statement of Community Involvement, Section 6.7 item 5 be withdrawn with immediate effect.
Cllr Dave Irving said: “I am overwhelmed with the support local residents have shown in tackling this dreadful inconsiderate application so I say to everyone 'Well Done, the community came together.'

Hopefully these pieces of land that were originally left for the pleasure of the community by Taylor Wimpey when they built the estate will one day look as beautiful as it has for many years to come.