The much awaited Formby Junior Sports Club’s football season starts again on Saturday 2nd September

The much awaited Formby Junior Sports Club’s football season starts again on Saturday 2nd September at Deansgate Lane Playing Fields when the Inter Club Section once again opens its doors to all children from four years of age up to and including Year 9’s wishing to join.
Over two hundred children have already joined the club so far which includes many new members in every age group. FJSC has room to fit in many more young footballers so parents are encouraged to bring their children along on Saturday.
Every Inter Club member will have, at least, a one hour Saturday morning session with coaching (£2 each week) and a fun match.
Parents can download a Formby Junior Sports Club membership form for 2023-2024 from the club website which can be found in the club document section. Alternatively contact Club Chairman Frank Rourke at stellathecat4@gmail.comwho will send you a form to complete and return and provide any necessary additional information. Alternatively parents can bring their children along on the day.
For new members, if parents wish a two session ‘try and see if their child enjoys it time ‘ before paying the annual club membershipthis is quite in order. The annual subscription is £25 for four year olds and Reception, £45 for Year One’s and £65 for all children in Year 2 and above. All we need initially is for the membership form to be completed.
Remember Inter Club football is open to all,as soon as a child becomes four years of age. They do not have to be in Reception yet.
Just because FJSC does not, at present have a Girls’ Section it does not mean that girls cannot play football at the club. Girls wishing to play football with the boys are very welcome to do so. In fact a number of the famous Lionesses started off their football playing with the boys.
Every Inter Club member will have, at least, a one hour Saturday morning session with coaching (£2 each week) and a fun match.
START DATE – Saturday 2nd September at Deansgate Lane Playing Fields on the pitches nearest to the FJSC Clubhouse.
Goalkeepers. 9.00 am – 9.30 am
Years 6/7. 9.30 am - 10.45 am
Years 8/9. 9.45 am - 11.00 am
4’s & Reception 10.45 am - 11.45am
Years 1/2. 10.45 am -11.45 am
Years 3, 4 & 5 . 11.15 am - 12.15pm
Most of the Representative Teams will starttheir matches on Saturdays on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th September. This season there will twenty boys’ teams Representing the club from Under 6 up to and including Under 14’s. There will be teams at every age group. This will include six new teams. Each of the Representative teams will be arranging training sessions in preparation for the much awaited first match.