Storm Eunice has arrived and gusts of 60 to 70mph are expected in Formby which is an Amber warning

Formby is in the Amber Warning area, gusts will still be impactful and damaging for many, with 60-70mph gusts likely and 80mph in a few places. Please avoid the coast during high winds.

High Tide today is at 12:06pm (8.85m) but will be a lot higher due to Storm Eunice. There will be no Beach available at high tide so please do not go. It is dangerous.

Gales are the most common cause of damage and disruption in the UK. Here's some advice on how to stay safe during Storm Eunice.
During the storm:
- Stay indoors as much as possible
- If you do go out, try not to walk or shelter close to buildings and trees
- Keep away from the sheltered side of boundary walls and fences - if these structures fail, they will collapse on this side
- Do not go outside to repair damage while the storm is in progress
- If possible, enter and leave your house through doors in the sheltered side, closing them behind you
- Open internal doors only as needed, and close them behind you
- Take care when driving on exposed routes such as bridges, or high open roads, delay your journey or find alternative routes if possible
- Slow down and be aware of side winds, particular care should be taken if you are towing or are a high sided vehicle
- Do not drive unless your journey is really necessary.
Stay Safe everyone