Formby Rotary seeking new membership. Help give back to society which others take for granted

Formby Rotary is actively seeking new membership. It’s time for others to put back into society which is taken for granted.
Can you help this very worthy organisation?
The Rotary Organisation has 33,200 Clubs and 1.4 million volunteer members in over 200 countries worldwide. The Rotary Club of Formby has been serving the people of Formby for 56 years now and we intend to continue our voluntary charitable work both for our local Formby community and for supporting International calls for help.
We are best known for the appearance of our Carol Wagon at Christmas, bringing Father Christmas to almost all of Formby and Freshfield. Details for this year will appear soon on Formby Bubble.
The Club has a regular "business" meeting on the first Tuesday evening of each month where we discuss and plan our activities. We also have an on-going monthly social programme including dinners, themed evenings and invited speakers.
However, with some exciting projects ahead, we need to increase our local membership and If you are interested in joining Rotary then please contact our Secretary on 01704 873310 to arrange to attend a couple of our meetings.