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Formby Park Bowling Club are looking for new bowlers, experienced and beginners to join their club

Formby Park Bowling Club is based on Duke Street Park. Believe it or not, summer is on its way and we are looking for new bowlers, both beginners and experienced.

If you are an absolute novice, there is always someone who can help you out with the basics. We will find you a spare set of bowls to borrow if you want to try before you buy.

The Club has a friendly mixed membership of all ages at very attractive subscription rates.  If  you are the competitive type, we run teams in five leagues which are open to ladies and gentlemen. The green is also available for social bowling for those who want to relax in good company – if you pop along on a Tuesday morning there is usually an informal session going on.

For more information phone

Paul Carline on 01704 879775 or

Ken Buckley 01704 872834.



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