CCTV appeal following hate crime in Formby

*Please be mindful that this is a live investigation and only pass on information via the channels below, not on this post. Thanks**
Do you recognise this male? Officers think he may have information following a hate crime in Formby last month.
A spokesperson from Merseyside police said: “At around 6.45pm on Friday 26 March, a group of youths entered Tesco on Altcar Road and caused a disturbance, throwing items around the store. A staff member challenged the group, one of whom shouted homophobic abuse and exposed his backside, before they left.”
“Enquiries have been carried out to identify those involved, including via local schools.”
Sergeant Jenni Bowman said: “We think the male pictured have information to assist, so if you know him please come forward.”
“For people going about their work in local businesses to be verbally abused and threatened in such a way is despicable, even more so during such testing times, and we’re working hard to find those responsible. You can come forward directly or anonymously via Crimestoppers.”
Please be mindful this is a live investigation and don’t pass information on the Merseyside Police main pages, but contact @MerPolCC on Twitter, ‘Merseyside Police Contact Centre’ on Facebook, or call the independent charity @CrimestoppersUK anonymously on 0800 555 111, with reference 21000193742. You can also contact them via their online form at: