A culture of caring for the Environment continues at Range High School

Range High School students have been taking part in planting trees around the school premises. COVID restrictions have meant that activities involving the Environment Group have unfortunately had to be temporarily ceased. However, with the relaxation of restrictions and the better weather, we have managed to get some students out and about and helping improve our environment.
We were supplied trees from the Woodland trust and students in year 7 got the opportunity to plants those trees. They planted 60 trees in total, 20 Wild Cherry, 20 Silver Birch and 20 Rowan. We have planted them in an area of the field that is unused by students and often gets a little boggey after rain. Hopefully the trees can serve a number of purposes. The first will be to help tackle the flooding that occurs in that part of the field. We also hope that is can become an area of our school, which pupils can use as an outdoor leaning zone or an area where they can relax and take part in outdoor activities.
The trees will take about 8 years to fully grow, so we will keep you updated on their progress. Planting trees is one of the most effective ways to combat the impacts of climate change. It also provides a space for nature to thrive and we hope to have more opportunities like this in the future.
