MP criticises "bizarre" government decision to turn down funding for Formby school expansi

MP Bill Esterson has praised an outstanding Sefton high school for its high-quality teaching and nurturing ethos.
The MP met with Formby High School head teacher Dominic Mackenzie to discuss a recent bid for funding that was turned down by the Government, which would have seen much-needed new facilities being built at the school to support increased pupil numbers.
The school had hoped to continue expanding its pupil numbers by 20 per year to 186 per year group, as it has done for the past three years, but wrote in a statement to parents that this would no longer be possible after 2021, due to a lack of classroom space.
The letter to parents said: "The Governing Body of Formby High School has determined to begin a consultation process on reducing its PAN (Published Admission Number) from 186 to 166. This decision has not been taken lightly and follows a tireless pursuit to secure additional funding from the Government for buildings expansion which, unfortunately, has been refused. In light of this, Governors have determined that, in order to maintain our standards of provision and the health and safety of our school community, it will not be possible to sustain a PAN of 186 beyond the 2020/21 academic year with the current school accommodation. Despite a number of years of campus improvement activities and the decision to increase our PAN three years ago to try to offer as many places as possible to meet the high demand in our community, without further funding to expand we now have no option but to ensure our student population can continue to be safely accommodated within the existing buildings."
Mr Esterson said it was "bizarre" that the government would refuse the financial support to an "excellent" school to expand.
The MP said: "Formby High is an excellent school and has rightly wanted to respond to increasing demand by expanding in order to offer even more young people in Formby the chance to benefit from an outstanding education.
"It was a bizarre decision from the Government to turn down the funding for a new building. Mr Mackenzie explained that without the new facility the school were simply unable to continue expanding, although I know he hopes to explore alternative options in the future, which I will fully support.
"It's clear from the results the school gets that it offers high-quality teaching, but it's also the pastoral care that is obviously so important to the school. Mr Mackenzie explained that offering a big school with a small-school feel was an important part of the offer.
"I have reached out to Formby's other high school Range High and hope to meet with the head teacher in due course to explore how I might be able to support what is also a school which gets brilliant results and offers an excellent education."
PIC: Headteacher Dominic Mackenzie and Bill Esterson MP at Formby High School