Three teenagers have been charged with a series of burglary offences in Formby

Three teenagers have been charged with a series of burglary offences in Formby. The boys, one aged 14 and two aged 16, have been charged in connection with nine offences in July and August this year. The 14 year-old boy, who is from the Southport area, has been charged with burglary at the Oxfam shop in Formby village on 16th August; attempted burglary at Formby pool on 17th August; burglary at the Oxfam shop in Formby village on 17th August and burglary at Flames takeaway in Formby village on 17th August. One of the 16 year-old boys, who is from the Formby area, has been charged with burglary at the Oxfam shop in Formby village on 16th July; burglary at a house in Burley Road, Ainsdale on 17th July; burglary at the USC gym in Formby Village on 17/18th July and 18/19th July; burglary at the Oxfam shop in Formby village on 16th August; attempted burglary at Formby Pool on 17th August; burglary at the Oxfam shop in Formby village on 17th August; burglary at the Flames takeaway in Formby village on 17th August and burglary at an address in Upper Aughton Road, Birkdale between 1st-24th August. The second 16 year-old boy, who is from the Ainsdale area, has been charged with burglary at the Oxfam shop in Formby village on 16th July; burglary at a house in Burley Road, Ainsdale on 17th July; burglary at the USC gym in Formby Village on 17/18th July and 18/19th July; burglary at the Oxfam shop in Formby village on 16th August; attempted burglary at Formby Pool on 17th August; burglary at the Oxfam shop in Formby village on 17th August and burglary at the Flames takeaway in Formby village on 17th August. All three will appear at Merseyside Youth Court on Tuesday 30th October.