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Heaps of rubbish set fire to for the second time on a Formby Road

Fly tippers in Formby dumped a load of rubbish onto the road on New Causeway near Lord Sefton way last night before setting fire to it. The two men in the van were caught on video and are now being hunted by Facebook detectives after footage of the shocking incident was posted to a social networking site. The men, who were described as young men in their twenties dumped the rubbish and set it alight just after 8pm last night, 4th August.

Residents that live nearby have said: "We are sick of it. This happened three weeks ago in the same place! These rats need to stop dumping rubbish where we live!" Anyone with any information should call Merseyside Police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

Help tackle litter in your local area and keep Sefton Council clean. Always place your litter in a bin or take it home. Please encourage your family and friends to do the same. Littering is a Criminal Offence.

It is a criminal offence to throw down, drop or otherwise deposit and leave any materials associated with smoking, drinking, eating or anything else in the open air. The open air is defined as all places open to the air on at least one side and includes private land and land covered by water. This also includes litter that is discarded from a vehicle.

The litter does not need to contribute to or cause defacement of a place for an offence to have been committed. The actual act of throwing down, dropping or otherwise depositing and leaving is the offence.

Fines and Penalties

Authorised officers are able to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice as an alternative to prosecution.

The current fixed penalty for littering and dog fouling within Sefton is £75.00, to be paid within 14 days. Please note this fee is reduced to £50.00 if paid within 10 days. Failure to pay will result in formal action being taken. The maximum fine is £2500.

The current fixed penalty for fly-tipping is £400, to be paid within 14 days. Please note that the fee is reduced to £240 if paid within 10 days. Failure to pay will result in formal action being taken. The maximum fine is £50,000 or twelve months imprisonment if convicted in a Magistrates Court. The offence can attract an unlimited fine and up to five years imprisonment if convicted in a Crown Court.

Sefton Council does not provide a part payment scheme for litter, dog fouling or fly-tipping offences.

Top Photo credit: OTS News

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