Holiday at home over the summer

A two week programme of events for older people from Formby, Ince Blundell and Hightown has been put together by Winnie Pickering of the Formby Befriending scheme, and Jean Jones of Formby Luncheon club, with the help of Churches Together.
This will take place from Sunday 19th August until Saturday 1st September. The events will be held in various locations, and include a garden party at the library; a visit to the fire museum at Litherland; a men's pub trip;, a social evening at St Jeromes; a fish and chip lunch at St Peters. Transport is available for those who need it. A lot of events are free, and others have a nominal charge.
Most events require booking and during July, can be booked with Fiona Wood at the luncheon club; tel 07104 877311, or email
Programmes are available from the luncheon club, the library, the pool, all the churches and doctor's surgeries.
The idea is to provide a choice of activities for people who can't get away on holiday, but who can have a fun time from the comfort of home.