A woman punched in the face and knocked unconscious in Formby Village

A terrifying incident occurred whilst three women were out shopping in Formby Village.
It was Friday 13th April when this Formby resident was crossing the road from Savers to the Left Bank. Her friends were still shopping as she headed home to see her sick daughter.
Suddenly, there was a white 4x4 Hyundai Jeep drove past and nearly hit the woman. The woman gestured the male driver with her hands as if to say 'What are you doing?'
The woman said: "The man put two fingers up at me and then reversed onto double yellow lines at the bottom of School Avenue. He then dived out of his car with his mobile phone shouting obscenities and swearing saying he was filming me. I asked him to stop when my two friends came, the man had his phone by this time in my face, he was swearing and calling me an f**** slag. He said I was going viral."
"I attempted to move his phone which was right in my face, by gesturing my hand to the left, then completely out of the blue, the man punched me! Full on in my face! I fell to the floor and was unconscious. I am only 5ft 4" and 7 stone, the man was about 18 stone and 6ft 2inches."
The woman's friends then called 999. Police and ambulance attended the scene. At this point, the man casually got in his car, still filming the friends and slowly drove off.
The lady sustained severe facial bruising, a suspected broken jaw, severe back and neck bruising and a cut lip. The lady's blood was all over the mans car. The woman was taken to hospital where she remained until early hours that morning.
The man then turned up at Southport Police Station with his solicitor and reported what had happened and he claimed it was self defence. He was interviewed under caution. He later withdrew his plea of self defence. The man still has not been charged, the CPS have dropped the case but the woman is appealing against the decision.
After talking to some people in local shops, It is alleged that this man has a history of verbal abuse in stores and is known for his aggression. It is alleged that he was banned from Savers store just 6 days prior to this incident for shouting obscenities at a female member of staff. He is approx 6ft 2inches, overweight and balding grey hair. He is around 60ish years of age and drives a white 4x4 Hyundai jeep.
The woman said: "This man is very dangerous and intimidating women appears to be his forte. Under no circumstances is it acceptable to punch anyone but, a man to hit a defenceless woman in the street is beyond belief."
"In my opinion and that of my two friends whom witnessed this incident this man will commit an act of violence like this again, the man was not shaken by punching me, in fact he proceeded to film my friends and drove away before police arrived with my blood all over his car! Please be careful of this man. He is a bully and has to be stopped."
Anyone with information is asked to contact @MerPolCC, call 101 or @CrimestoppersUK anonymously on 0800 555 111.