Proposed expansion to Formby Hall Golf Resort and Spa - Have Your Say

Formby Leisure Holdings Limited are in the process of preparing plans to improve and expand Formby Hall Golf Resort.
We are holding a drop-in session at the Golf Club on Thursday 26th April 2018 from 3.30pm – 7.30pm. We have issued letters to residents and businesses nearby the hotel but would like to hear your thoughts.
Following a successful refurbishment last summer, Formby Leisure Holdings Limited are looking to invest further in the resort.
We are in the process or preparing plans for new facilities at the Resort including a 43-bed extension to the hotel, a new golf clubhouse and spa building, a number of woodland accommodation lodges for hotel guests, 10 new residential properties adjacent to the north western boundary of the golf course, extensive landscaping and various site improvements.
Before planning applications for the proposals are submitted to Sefton Council we would like to invite you to come and view the plans and provide feedback.
Find out more and have your say. Please join us at: 3.30pm – 7.30pm Thursday 26th April 2018 at Formby Hall Golf Resort & Spa
To provide feedback or find out more please do not hesitate to contact us at: OR Freephone 0808 168 8296