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Operation to tackle burglaries launched by Merseyside Police

A major operation aimed at tackling the issue of burglaries on Merseyside is underway from today (Monday, 5 March 2018) for two weeks, to reinforce burglary as a main priority for Merseyside Police.

Operation Castle will intensify the force’s focus on burglary in an attempt to reduce the number of offences, raise community confidence, reassure residents, and reduce the number of outstanding named suspects for burglary. Multimedia will also be circulated via our social media sites using the hashtags #OpCastle and #BeatTheBurglar and further information and advice will be put out using hashtags for all local areas. Residents are advised to look at our social media sites and their own local policing websites where they will find a host of information on burglary hotspots, extra patrols, and advice on security. Superintendent Matt Boyle said: "We have listened to the concerns of the local community and want to reassure them that Operation Castle is a big push on tackling burglary and bringing offenders to justice. We are putting more patrols out, asking people to report anything suspicious, identifying repeat victims and safeguarding them." Operation Castle will identify the highest burglary threats at the moment and will be taking action to execute warrants, focus on outstanding named offenders and also deter any possible would-be offenders. Police Officers will also visit all residents within 24 hours of a burglary to help and reassure them. Superintendent Matt Boyle added: "We are asking the public to be vigilant as we know the vast majority of burglaries are preventable as they are often opportunistic. Lock your front and back door even when you are in, set your burglar alarm when you go out or go to be and consider getting CCTV.

"It’s also a good idea to use light timers when you go out at night or away on holiday, keep valuables out of sight, and secure your shed and garage too. "Look out for your neighbours, especially the elderly and report anything suspicious to us. "Your home is your castle, hence the name of the operation, and we want the community to feel safe in their own homes. We will be working with Neighbourhood Watch schemes so get involved in your local area and help to make a difference down your street." Further information on policing in your area can be found at /local-policing/ or on our local policing Twitter and Facebook pages. Anyone with information regarding burglaries is asked to contact Merseyside Police social media desk via twitter @MerPolCC or Facebook Merseyside Police CC. You can also call 101 or contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously, on 0800 555 111 or via their online form at:

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