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Masterplan has been accepted by Sefton Council for at least 319 new homes to be built off Liverpool

The developers have submitted a Masterplan which has been accepted by Sefton Council to build at least 319 houses on Liverpool Road in Formby. It was jointly prepared and agreed by three major house builders, Barratt Homes, David Wilson Homes and Morris Homes who will work together to cover the site as a whole.

Sefton Council's decision on this became effective on Thursday 16th November. The site outlines that the planning applications, to be submitted by the developers shortly, will include 30 percent affordable housing. The exact number of homes is yet to be defined through the detailed layouts submitted in the individual planning applications.

The properties will be freehold not leasehold.

If the applications are granted, the developers state in the masterplan that they aim to start the construction work in Spring 2018.

The purpose of this masterplan document is to establish the key principles for which any future development on the site should adhere to. This is vital as a means of ensuring connectivity between the two ownerships 1. The SLP also requires that proposals ‘will only be granted planning permission where they are consistent with a single detailed master plan for the whole site which is approved by the Council before any application is submitted’ and that development of the site must:

• Preserve the setting of the Grade II listed Lovelady’s Farmhouse and adjacent buildings;

• Be served by a single point of access onto Liverpool Road; and

• Identify opportunities to reduce flood risk elsewhere through a site Flood Risk Assessment and implement any appropriate solutions.


The site is located on the south eastern urban edge of Formby. It lies approximately 1.3km south east of Formby town centre and consists of agricultural land. The A565 Formby Bypass defines the Site’s boundary to the east, and Liverpool Road defines the boundary to the south. The western boundary is defined by a existing hedge which separates the site from the existing urban area. The Site’s boundary to the north is defined by a play area and green open space.

Preserve the Setting of the Grade II listed and Adjacent Buildings

The setting of Lovelady’s Farm will be preserved by retaining the existing roadside hedge. There is also opportunity to reinforce the existing hedge with new landscaping in the masterplan. The masterplan also recognises the need to set the building line back from the western edge of the site having direct regard to the heritage assets. This set back building line is reflected in the concept masterplan. The final detailed layout at the south-western part of the site will be informed by the proximity to Grade II listed buildings at Loveladys Farm, having regard to national planning policy requirements relating to heritage assets. A suitable design solution will be agreed with Sefton Council to ensure that the heritage assets are taken into account and suitable mitigation delivered.

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