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Do you live in Formby? The PCC wants to hear if you'd like to see a Community Police Station loc

Do you live in Formby? The PCC wants to hear if you'd like to see a Community Police Station located in Formby fire station?

Joining forces with the fire and ambulance service in Formby? Merseyside’s Police Commissioner is asking people living in Formby if they would like to see a Community Police Station co-located with the fire and ambulance service in their local fire station.

Jane Kennedy is proposing to locate a new, accessible Community Police Station in Formby Community Fire Station, which is also used by the North West Ambulance Service, enabling all three emergency services to be co-located.

The Church Road building was opened in 2014 as part of a £47m scheme to modernise fire service facilities across the North West. The station was designed to be used by the entire community and boasts a well-used community gym.

The move would enable the existing police station also on Church Road, which has been closed to the public since 2012, to be sold, with all the money being reinvested into the Force.

The proposals are part of the Commissioner’s 10-year investment plan to modernise Merseyside Police’s stations and facilities to save vital funds. The plans were first unveiled by the Commissioner in October 2014 when she launched a pan-Merseyside consultation, which received overwhelming public support, with 92% of respondents agreeing.

At the heart of the proposals is the creation of a network of modern, fit for purpose Community Police Stations across Merseyside, where neighbourhood police officers and PCSO’s can be co-located in busy local hubs alongside partners.

Since 2014 the Commissioner has been working with Merseyside Police’s estates and facilities team to identify appropriate venues for these new stations to be located across Merseyside.

Now the Commissioner wants to see if local people agree that Formby Community Fire Station would be the best location for their Community Police Station.

Jane said: “People across Merseyside overwhelmingly gave me their support for my proposals to improve Merseyside Police’s stations and make them more accessible to the public.

“I think Formby Community Fire Station is an excellent location for this Community Police Station. It is centrally located and would see the policing team co-located with the fire service and the ambulance service, creating a unified emergency services hub serving the local community.

“Now I want to hear the views of local people and make sure that they agree. It is vital we put these Community Police Stations in the best place for the people they serve so I really want to know if we’ve got it right.”

The proposal for Formby has already been welcomed by Mersey Fire and Rescue Authority (MFRA) who are keen to establish a combined emergency services base in the town.

Cllr Dave Hanratty, Chair of MFRA said: “Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority is committed to working with Merseyside Police and NWAS to deliver the best possible service to the residents of Merseyside. Sharing stations delivers financial savings and, more importantly, operational benefits as it helps forge even closer working relationships between our respective staff”.

People are asked to share their views by November 10th by emailing to:

We will have to wait now and see what the outcome is. We will keep you updated.

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