Fisherman’s Path crossing should be re-opened, says Formby MP

Sefton Central MP Bill Esterson has urged Network Rail to re-open the Fisherman’s Path railway crossing or build a bridge to restore access “as soon as possible”.
The crossing in Formby, which is normally used by around 1,000 people per day, has been closed since July 14 after a ‘near-miss’ between a train and a cyclist. Network Rail initially said the crossing would be closed for three weeks but last week announced that it would remain closed for another three weeks, up until at least August 25.
Mr Esterson said this important right of way should be reopened. In a letter to Network Rail chief executive Mark Carne, he wrote: “This is causing significant difficulties for my constituents and others from across the North West.
He added in the letter: “I urge you to install a bridge or reopen the crossing as soon as possible.”
Network Rail had recently placed a member of staff at the crossing to advise cyclists and pedestrians how to cross safely but when even this did not stop the cyclist almost being hit by an oncoming train, a decision was made by Network Rail to close the crossing.
As it is a right of way, Network Rail had to apply for permission from Sefton Council to close it.
Mr Esterson continued in his letter: “Your decision to place a member of staff at the crossing to advise people how to safely cross is laudable and should be sufficient to maintain the safety of users in the short term until a bridge can be built.
“This crossing is used by around 1,000 people per day and the risks associated with such a busy crossing have been known for some time. Network Rail has failed to put in place a long-term solution that maintains access.
“This is the busiest time of the year, the school holidays, and this closure is affecting people's enjoyment of the area and has closed off an important cycle route from Southport to Liverpool. It has also affected local businesses who have seen a drop in passing trade.
“I support the eventual closure of this dangerous crossing in favour of a bridge but being forced into this situation of closing the crossing before a bridge could be built could and should have been avoided.”
Mr Esterson said he would like to see an accessible bridge built “without delay”, writing: “Until a long-term solution can be found I urge you to reopen the crossing with the safeguard of a staff member in place to assist people to cross safely. A bridge should be built without delay and should be accessible for cyclists, people with prams and those with accessibility issues.”
Top photo is MP Bill Esterson (second from left) with Nina Killen (far right) along with Network rail staff
Here is a copy of the letter that Bill sent to Network Rail....