The new Chapel Lane roundabout is complete ahead of schedule thanks to the Dowhigh team

Roadworks commenced on Monday 17th July in Formby village on the Chapel Lane Roundabout. It was constantly being hit by wagons and the bricks were an eyesore, always dismantled and out of place. The railings were also crashed into on a regular basis due to the size of the roundabout.
The new roundabout is now a lot smaller and looks quite 'neat' nestled at the entrance to Chapel Lane and looking very splendid!
Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council appointed Dowhigh Ltd to carry out the highway refurbishment of the roundabout which involved rebuilding the roundabout to make a smaller roundabout in the hope that the wagons will not hit the new one and smash it up, which is what has been happening for many years now.
The disruption has been minimal with temporary traffic lights in place most days and the road left completely open at weekends.
Dowhigh liaison officer, Irene Hopkins said: "My role was to provide support and assistance to Residents and Businesses, who may have had issues or concerns regarding the proposed works and my job also encompasses communicating to ensure any inconveniences or disruption is kept to an absolute minimum which I believe we have maintained throughout the two week period."
There was also additional road resurfacing around the roundabout and in School Lane. This is a continuation of the work of the Parish Council to improve the appearance of the centre and improve safe access for drivers and pedestrians. There has been damage to the barriers and to the pavements and these changes are designed to reduce those risks. A report was commissioned last year to consider what the options were.
The roundabout is now smaller but the planting will continue. Arrangements were made to recover as many plants as possible.
The railings on each corner have also been replaced. This was also an ongoing problem with wagons trying to get around the roundabout and hitting them. This problem should also now be sorted. The lighted bollards will also be replaced because they look quite old and shabby but could not be done in time for the photo today, Wednesday 2nd August. Well done to everyone involved.

Roadworks have commenced this morning, Monday 17th July in Formby village on the Chapel Lane Roundabout. There is a work programme that is meant to last for a period of two weeks and two nights.
Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council have appointed Dowhigh Ltd to carry out the highway refurbishment of the roundabout at the junction with Chapel Lane, Formby, on 17th July 2017. This will involve rebuilding the roundabout to make a smaller roundabout in the hope that the wagons will not hit the new one and smash it up, which is what has been happening for many years now.
On Monday 17th July 2017, the work programme will cover the following areas of work:-
Rebuild of the current round-a-bout
Road resurfacing
During this period of works the following will take place:-
Chapel Lane and School Lane will be closed with local diversions in place.
Halsall Lane and Three Tuns Lane will be open although, restricted under two way traffic lights, Monday to Friday during weeks 1 and 2.
Temporary pedestrian crossing will be provided at Halsall Lane and Three Tuns Lane during week 1 and 2.
The planning out of the road surface at the round-a-bout will take place on 27th July for 2 days.
Resurfacing works will take place at the round-a-bout on 31st July 2017 for 2 nights 6:30pm until midnight.
Deliveries to businesses on Chapel Lane and School Lane will be restricted due to the closure. Any planned deliveries can be accommodated between the hours of 7:30am and 9:00am.
The Friday market will continue during the period, with pedestrian access only after 9:00am.
Irene Hopkins said: "I am a community liaison officer for dowhigh Ltd, In brief my role is to provide support and assistance to Residents / Businesses, who may have issues or concerns regarding the proposed works to be undertaken around this area. This role also encompasses communicating to ensure any inconveniences or disruption is kept to an absolute minimum."
"I realise you are best placed to know your area and the requirements you need. Therefore, should you have any worries or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at any time."
Irene's contact details are:- Mobile: 07717805769 / E-mail:
A statement from Formby Parish Council regarding the roundabout:
Improvements to Chapel Lane Roundabout 12 07 2017
Keen eyed drivers and residents will have seen signs saying that work will begin on re-building Chapel Lane Roundabout on 17 July and continue for three weeks. There will be additional road resurfacing around the roundabout and in School Lane. The local businesses have been advised by the contractor, Dowhigh Limited.
This is a continuation of the work of the Parish Council to improve the appearance of the centre and improve safe access for drivers and pedestrians. There has been damage to the barriers and to the pavements and these changes are designed to reduce those risks. A report was commissioned last year to consider what the options were.
Unfortunately, there will be some disruption to traffic during the work, we hope
that it will minimal and we ask for people’s forbearance and understanding.
The roundabout will be slightly smaller but the planting will continue. Arrangements have been made to recover as many plants as possible, but in any event the Parish Council is already planning its autumn programme.
The Chair of the Council said ‘that once the roundabout work is done the broken barriers can be replaced. The Parish Councillors, who are un-paid volunteers, will continue working on the planters in Chapel Lane and Memorial gardens as before.”