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New Charity Launches in Formby

On 20th June, Dame Lorna Muirhead DCVO DBE, Lord-Lieutenant of Merseyside, will officially launch Formby Befriending Scheme as an independent charity.

The scheme, formerly the Formby Project, was launched as a pilot in November 2013. The aim was to offer companionship and support to older people in Formby, Hightown and Ince Blundell who had become isolated or had difficulty getting out and about on their own. Since then, the scheme has become well established, with over 30 volunteers involved in its management and organisation.

Volunteer ‘befrienders’ visit people every week at home and, on 1st Tuesday of the month, they also run a Coffee Club, in Formby Methodist Church, where anyone who lives alone or simply wants to make new friends, can come and chat over a cup of tea or coffee.

In February 2017, the Formby Befriending Scheme became a Charitable Incorporated Organisation independently registered with the Charity Commission (No. 1171771) and managed by 4 Trustees, chaired by Dr Gerard Corcoran BSc., MS, FRCS. The charity launch will be held in Formby Methodist Church 12noon to 2pm on Tuesday 20th June and we hope that people will come along to find out more. Everyone is welcome! Please get in touch for further information: Tel: 07437 479417.

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