your invitation to "Friends of Formby Pool"

Your Invitation to
"Friends of Formby Pool"
In February 2016, Friends of Formby Pool Group became a reality, and since then the group has evolved and is, very much, becoming part of Formby Pool Trust.
The initial role of the group is to give volunteers an opportunity to assist the Trust to become a focal point for community life. Ideas, suggestions and thoughts can be brought to the monthly meetings regarding the facility. Thus offering a unique opportunity for members to make a contribution towards enhancing the day-to-day running of Formby Pool.
Recently, volunteers from "Friends of Formby Pool" assisted with the refreshments at the Passion Play being held on Good Friday in the grounds of the pool. Although a team effort from the staff, the volunteers made a vital contribution towards the preparing and serving of the refreshments after the play had finished.
"Friends of Formby Pool", at the moment encompasses specific groups, for those who wish to join:-
The Gardening Group……….Gardening is an enjoyable and relaxing past time - even more so with friends. The Gardening group are now looking after the Children's' Creative Play area, and many of the borders surrounding the grassy areas.
Wild Flower Meadow…..The meandering path leads through wild flowers, which will grow and change throughout the seasons.
Theatre Appreciation Group…..Now becoming a firmly established group. So far we have supported Formby Little Theatre with their recent productions, and enjoyed every one.
Could you help write or act in a Murder Mystery?.....further plans are afoot!
Should you wish to learn more about "Friends of Formby Pool Group", please do not hesitate to email, HEATHER DAVIES, on or leave your contact details with one of our receptionists and Heather will contact you back.
One of the most recent initiatives that the Trust has put in place is the Apprenticeship Programme. We have successfully offered apprenticeship opportunities to two of our local young adults, and they have progressed magnificently towards their goal of becoming fully qualified Gym Instructors.
We want to build upon this success and will be offering two types of apprenticeships this autumn:-
Leisure Aquatic………Fully qualified Swim Teacher & Lifeguard (Essential requirement able to swim)
Gym………………………Fully qualified Gym Instructor
It is an ideal prospect for young adults who are about to leave education this year. To meet the essential criteria, you simply need to be a young adult over the age of 16, looking for a career opportunity in these areas. If this is of interest to you, please can find out further details by contacting Trish Grimshaw at Formby Pool Trust on 01704 879366.