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Public Space Protection Order

As part of Sefton Council's commitment to promote responsible dog ownership, we are consulting on introducing new dog control measures. Consultation on introducing a new Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) across the whole of the borough will start today (February 6) and will last until April 11. A Public Space Protection Order is an official measure that is an enforceable part of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. PSPOs can be used to protect the public from behaviour that is having or is likely to have a harmful effect on the quality of life of those in an area. As part of the consultation, Sefton will look at how Enforcement officers will continue to be able to issue fixed penalty notices to any one in charge of a dog who does not remove their dog’s mess straightaway from land (£75). This will also include how dog walkers are to always carry a bag or other means for cleaning up after their dog has fouled at all times. Other details being consulted about look at restricting the number of dogs that can be walked by a single individual on and off the lead, prohibiting dogs from entering defined areas - open or enclosed playgrounds, marked/fenced sports pitches or courts and dog free zones on the beach. It would also require dogs to be kept on a lead in defined areas including: designated picnic or family areas, designated wildlife areas, all public roads/footways, the grounds of cemeteries and crematoria, fenced conservation grazing when livestock are present and designated nature reserves. Dog owners can also be asked to put their dogs on leads when directed to do so by an authorised officer. Cllr Paulette Lappin, Cabinet Member Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services, said: "This is just the start of the process to consult on introducing a PSPO in Sefton. "Many other local authorities across the country have introduced similar orders to great effect as it encourages greater responsible dog ownership. It also promotes a cleaner and greener environment which everyone can enjoy. "Most dog owners across the borough already do most of the things in the proposed order anyway, so if introduced it will have very little or no impact on them at all. "Please take the time to read about the proposed order and tell us what you think about it." To get involved in the consultation visit the Sefton Consultation Finder.

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