Merseyside Police priority in Formby as burglaries occur almost every other night

More burglaries in Formby as Police presence is stepped up. Community Inspector Graham Fisher attended the Formby Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 7th February. He said: "There has been an increase in burglary dwellings in early evening with main points of entry being through a back door and also in motor vehicles. This is a priority for the Police with five burglaries in the last two weeks."
Homewatch schemes are in place in Formby. The Formby and Freshfield Homewatch have over 100 schemes and over 2,000 active members. If you want to start a scheme or wish to join an existing one in Formby you can leave a message on Tel: 0151-777-4144
Two burglaries took place on Saturday 11th February early evening on Windsor Road. In both cases the rear conservatory doors were smashed and jewellery was stolen.
A burglary took place on Valentine's Day, 14th February on Southport Road between 5pm and 6pm. The owner said: "They smashed our window at the back of the house to get in and stole our TV and a jewellery box. They also stole our car! We were not in at the time, we were at work and came home to find the damage."
On 13th February, a car was broken into whilst on the drive of a house in Rostron Crescent, just off Andrews Lane. The offenders attempted to get access into the property through rear patio doors but thankfully did not succeed.
Another car was broken into on Barton Heys Road when someone got into the car and took belongings which were later found on Jubilee Road.
Another burglary on Mayfield Avenue of which we do not have any details yet but have been informed it was on 13th or 14th February.
A break-in on Kew Road, off Barton Heys on Wednesday 15th February, the garden shed was broken into and power tools stolen. The owner said: "If anyone sees or hears of any second hand power tools being offered for sale, they might well be mine! All my tools have been taken from my garden shed, in Kew Road.
On Thursday night, 16th February, between the hours of 11pm and 7am on Cambridge Road, thieves climbed over a garden fence and broke into the garden shed and stole a road bike and attempted to steal a petrol go-kart. The owner said: "The thieves stole my son Scotts road bike which is black and red. They broke the handle on the back gate and tried to carry our petrol go-kart off with the intention of possibly driving it away but they managed to cover themselves in petrol in the process and tried to clean it off using the dogs water bowl! They decided to dump it on the path that runs behind my house adjacent to Cambridge field. It is now back in our possession and we are waiting for the police to investigate."
Formby residents are extremely concerned about these ever growing incidents so again, we encourage everyone to be vigilant in your area. If you see anyone that looks suspicious, hear any noises, report it to the Police.
Last week the burglaries were rife, so here are the details again just to make everyone aware and keep you up to date. If your house or car is broken into, please inform the Formby Bubble so we can let people know in your area.
On Sunday 12th February, a house on Ward Avenue in Formby was broken into some time between 12noon and 8pm. The burglars broke in through the back door with a crow bar and gained entry to the house where they stole laptops and computers. The Police have been searching gardens in the area in the hope of retrieving some of the stolen goods.
On Friday 10th February, a man was caught attempting to get into a garage in The Roundway, Hightown. He was wearing a jacket with a hooded top underneath and had also attempted to get into a neighbours garage as well. He ran off down the passage towards Village Way.

On Saturday morning of 11th February, a BMW was stolen off a driveway on Argarmeols Road, Formby at 2:20am. The driveway had electric gates but at this stage we do not have any more details but will keep you updated.
What this does prove, is that these criminals are not deterred by electric gates, CCTV, size of house, they do not seem to have any particular intent other than burglary in Formby. Please, please, be vigilant, report anyone looking suspicious during the day or the night. Make sure your doors and windows are kept locked at all times.
Only last week a Golf car was stolen off a drive in Formby by a burglar who had broken into the house through the back door to steal the keys off the cupboard whilst the owners were sat in the living room!
Community Inspector Graham Fisher said: “This offence happened in the early evening and we would like to speak to anyone who saw anything suspicious around that time or saw the Golf after it was stolen. “I would ask that people review their home security and check that their windows and doors are secured ensuring that keys are not left in them.” Anyone with information about any of these crimes, should contact Merseyside Police via 101 or through Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.
Homewatch Schemes in Formby The Formby and Freshfield Homewatch have over 100 schemes and over 2,000 active members. If you want to start a scheme or wish to join an existing one in Formby you can leave a message on Tel: 0151-777-4144 For elsewhere in Sefton call 0151-777-3419. Tel: 101. Email: Twitter: @MerPolFormby Facebook: