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Halloween and Bonfire News Feed
Local Bonfire and Fireworks displays from Friday 2nd to 5th November in Formby, Hightown and across
Merseyside Police don’t want a repeat of last years Mischief Night in Formby and issue safety advice
Merseyside firefighters called to over 50% fewer bonfire - related incidents than last year
Hightown Cricket Club honour their cancelled bonfire event with a FREE event this Friday night
Bonfire night weather forecast for Formby
The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 and Bonfire Night
Local Bonfire and Fireworks displays this weekend in Formby, Hightown and across Sefton
Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service urges Safety over bonfire period
Mischief Night in Formby was used as a purge night for Formby youths
Local Bonfire and Fireworks displays this weekend in Formby, Hightown and across Sefton
Mischief Night in Formby saw acts of arson and criminal damge
Merseyside Fire & Rescue offer safety advice about Halloween costumes
Merseyside Police offer some tips on how to stay safe when you are out Trick or Treating
Don’t trick or mistreat during Halloween and Bonfire night!
Residents urged to take care with wheelie bins over Bonfire period