Waterlogged pitches caused most games to be cancelled so only two teams played last weekend

Formby Junior Sports Club’s Under 6 Representative teams were the only two teams to play last weekend. All the other scheduled games were cancelled due to waterlogged pitches as well as the Inter Club Section.
FJSC Under 6 Whites and FJSC Under 6 Blacks continued their fantastic record of never having a match cancelled due to playing on the artificial playing surface at Goals in Netherton in the very popular Sefton Development League on Sunday mornings. The two teams have so far now played twenty matches each this season, whilst the most any other FJSC Representative team has played on grass is thirteen times or less in many cases.
FJSC Under 6 Whites were in action against a very good Little Barca team. The boys are developing their football skills with every outing and are learning to play in positions. They are all listening well and the team manager Phil Higgins and all the supporting parents are very proud of them all. Leo Rogers was the team’s scorer with all the other squad members playing very well. See the recent team photograph of the FJSC Under 6 Whites team taken at the recent Wigan Athletic Tournament.
FJSC Under 6 Blacks played Akidemy Green. It was a very exciting match in which a total of twelve goals were scored. FJSC started the match very well and ended the first third ahead by three goals.
Akidemy came back into the match very well in the middle third but following FJSCmanager Mark Jones’s team talk before the final third, the boys pressed high up the pitch which brought more goal scoring opportunities. Thomas Mitchell led the way with five goals. Man of the Match Ollie Jones capped another excellent display in midfield by scoring twice in another impressive team performance against a team they had previously lost to earlier in the season.
At Deansgate Lane Playing Fields on Saturday 17th February 2024 on the pitches nearest to the FJSC Clubhouse.
Goalkeepers. 9.00 am – 9.30 am
Years 6/7. 9.30 am - 10.45 am
Years 8/9. 9.45 am - 11.00 am
4’s & Reception 10.45 am - 11.45am
Years 1/2. 10.45 am -11.45 am
Years 3, 4 & 5 . 11.15 am - 12.15pm
For more information contact Frank Rourke at stellathecat4@gmail.com
For new members joining now the subscriptions will be - £10 for Reception, £20 for Year 1 and £30 for Year Two and above. Inter Club coaching will still be £2 each Saturday.
The FJSC Under 6 teams are looking for recognised goalkeepers on Sunday mornings. Please let the club know if interested.
FJSC is hoping to form a new Under 5 team very soon. If interested, parents are asked to please bring their son’s along to Inter Club onSaturday mornings from 10.45-11.45am.