Reaching out to the husky dog owner to be more responsible with your dog whilst walking in the woods

Dear Formby Bubble:
Hello, I want to try and reach out to the owner of a husky who typically walks the woods at fresh field end. The dog is absolutely lovely and I do not believe him to be of an aggressive nature, but the owner can rarely recall the dog successfully. When he proceeds to ignore his owner he sometimes mounts my dog, to which I need to lift him off as the owner is typically 20metres plus away.
Having failed to recall him half a dozen times, I was concerned the mounting would continue unless he was out on a lead. After asking the owner to do this, they told me to f off. My dog is fairly skittish so she has now become scared of other dogs again after months of hard work.
I may well be the only one to have had this issue, but this has happened twice now with me (the first time the owner was not even in sight). I kindly request that the owner has this dog on a long leash until recall is more successful. At the very least, make the effort to come and get their dog if he is not listening.
I understand dogs at times may not always listen, but when an owner doesn’t respect other dog walkers and their dogs, it takes away the enjoyment of walking them off leash.
Name supplied