Good morning on Tuesday 5th April. Light rain or drizzle forecast with 27mph winds in Formby

Good Morning on Tuesday 5th April. It’s 9°C with westerly winds of 27mph in #Formby
It will be a dull and damp start to the day with spells of rain drifting in from the west. It will remain quite cloudy through the day, but there will be drier interludes at times. Windy but mild. Maximum temperature 12°C.
Rain spreading to most areas this evening with showers following overnight, these locally heavy later in the night with a chance of hail. Remaining rather windy but staying largely frost-free. Minimum temperature 6°C.
High Tide:
High Tide today is at 2:19pm (8.46m)
Sunrise & Sunset:
Sunrise is at 6:36am
Sunset at 7:54pm