Good Morning on Tuesday 25th May. Mostly cloudy conditions with winds of 27mph in Formby
Good Morning on Tuesday 25th May. It’s 10°C with mostly cloudy conditions and northwesterly winds of 27mph in #Formby
A largely cloudy start, with scattered showers and some sunny spells developing through the morning. Into the afternoon, showers turn locally heavy, perhaps thundery with sunny spells between. Breezy along the coast. Maximum temperature 14°C.
During the evening showers gradually clear south with lengthy clear spells developing behind. Overnight, initially remaining largely dry before cloud and showery rain spreads into the north. Minimum temperature 2°C.
High Tide:
High Tide today is at 10:39am (9.00m)
Low Tide today is at 5:27pm(0.80m)
The sun sets tonight at 9:22pm
Today’s photo is of Mia the Golden Retriever surveying our fabulous Formby beach yesterday! Photo by Sarah Goodenough