Formby High School Reunion - ALL previous years invited in a day of events on 28th October 2023

Join us for the ‘Formby High School Reunion’ with ALL previous years invited to reconnect with old friends
This Reunion has been arranged to 'Reconnect friends from school days at Formby High School’ and sharing memories that only people from FHS would remember.
Nostalgia for life in the 1970s, 80's and 90's in Formby. Enjoy the days events with old friends and rekindle the memories.
Whilst predominantly, this event was set up for years 1975 to 1980, HOWEVER, organisers have now stated that -
There are three separate Reunion events on the day as follows:
Saturday 28th October 2023
See individual events for more details.
Please put names down if interested, or attending.
11am - Tour of Formby High School - Link : FHS visit
1pm - Afternoon / Evening Drop in at The Grapes, Formby from 1pm onwards till late afternoon/early evening with Drinks / Meals/Refreshments available. If not attending the Big Reunion, feel free to stay on for 70’s, 80’s and 90’s music and memorabilia.-
7:30pm - The Big Reunion Party at The Central Club, Southport with 80’s Disco /Live music and Memorabilia -
If interested:
Please JOIN the ‘Formby High School Reunion' Group, on Facebook.
Or, if not on Facebook, email Jackie on address below.
Any other queries, please email
Jackie Phillips on email :
You can also comment with any questions on this post on Facebook.
With enough support, this looks to be a great day of nostalgia and memories, for many attendees of Formby High School. 🖤❤💛
If any pupils from RANGE HIGH , knew any FHS pupils , please feel free to drop in at 'The Grapes Event' and see who you knew from that time.
Why not attend all THREE events, make a day of it! Bring any pictures or items of Nostalgia from back in the day, we’d love to see anything and everything you have got.
See you there!
Thank you

Facebook link: