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Community trigger activated for Duke Street park in Formby to tackle antisocial behaviour

Formby Labour councillor Nina Killen has welcomed a "community trigger" to tackle antisocial behaviour at Duke Street park.

A community trigger brings together different agencies, such as the police, local authority and British Transport Police, to discuss how they can work together to address antisocial behaviour.

Duke Street park has had issues with antisocial behaviour intermittently for a number of years, and the issue is usually worse around Halloween and Bonfire Night. Residents have experienced fireworks set off in the direction of homes and cars, eggs and stones thrown at properties and windows smashed.

Cllr Killen said: "During a recent visit to affected residents' homes, I heard first hand about some of the shocking incidents that have occurred.“

”Thank you to the council and police for the actions they have already taken. I have been working with various agencies over the past four years regarding antisocial behaviour in and around Duke Street Park.” "Last autumn, the police committed significant resources to the park to prevent disorder around Halloween and Bonfire Night.”

"Police put a dispersal zone in place and committed a large number of officers to the area to stop people gathering in the park. Officers worked double shifts and their rest days for this operation.”

"I fully supported these measures and thank the police for their actions. It was hugely successful and there was a large reduction in crime and antisocial behaviour.” "Although it is not possible for the police to commit this level of resources to the area all the time, tackling antisocial behaviour is still a priority for them and for me.”

"Due to ongoing issues around the park, the council has activated a community trigger which brings together different agencies, such as the police, local authority and British Transport Police, to discuss how they can work together. What is really key is identifying the individuals who are doing this so that interventions such as acceptable behaviour contracts can be considered.”

"Deterrence is also important and I would like to see the park made more secure so that it is harder for people to access the park after dark, when it is closed. This may mean higher gates at certain entrances which can’t be jumped over, building up the hedges along the park edges, and more lighting which would make it harder to use the cover of darkness to avoid detection.”

"Although the park is closed at night and the gates locked, people will regularly jump over the gates to access the park and use the cover of darkness to avoid detection. Higher gates may be a solution to this." PIC: Cllr Nina Killen at Duke St park in front of gates which are regularly jumped over at night when the park is closed



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