A major milestone was made for Formby Rotary Club as their newest Rotary Member was inducted

Formby Rotary Club were honoured by a visitation of their Rotary District Governor of North Wales and Northwest England, Mr Nick Gidney (left in above photo) who inducted their newest Rotary member in Formby, Mr Ranjan Ramasamy into the Rotary Organisation.
Spokesman Alan Gibson said: “This was indeed a major milestone for the club as it was the first time ever in the Clubs 52 years history that’s a District Governor has conducted the ceremony in Formby.”
”It was well known that the Rotary organisation was founded in Chicago by Paul Harris, one hundred and seventeen years ago, when business and professional leaders created an organisation to provide a humanitarian service for those who were not so fortunate as themselves.”
“This month in Formby we saw the return of our first business professional, Ranjan, a local business person in Formby. Ranjan runs the Formby Tech Solutions Company of Formby as well as the Paragon Cricket Shop in Southport and his commercial interests are fundamental in the return of Rotaries core values in our service within our community.”
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Contact service hotline on: 01704 872661 or email to: enquiries@formbytechsolution.co.uk
Facebook page: https://m.facebook.com/Formby-Tech-Solution-101095425309507/
Paragon Cricket shop in Southport
40 Church Road,
L37 3NF