Press release from Formby Parish Council - Plan Approved for Referendum
The Parish Councils of Formby and Little Altcar are pleased to announce that their neighbourhood plan has been approved by the independent planning examiner and, with agreed modifications, has been passed as being ready to go to the local community for a referendum.
Formby Parish Council Chair Bob McCann said "There has been a lot of unwarranted criticism, and political mischief making, regarding this plan in recent months from those who were wishing it to fail. I am delighted that our experts and advisors have been proved correct in their commitment to give us a plan that can challenge aspects of the Sefton Local Plan and work to benefit our local community."
Following an anonymous and unaccompanied visit to see the area, the planning examiner agreed with all aspects of the policies in relation to development and prevention of flooding in the district, the only thing to be removed was a policy against Fracking.
Bob McCann said "We knew that our policy against fracking was very strong in planning terms but unfortunately, because the Government policy is to allow fracking, local councils are forbidden from preventing it. However it was worth a try."
Bob added "It has taken thousands of man hours by local vollunteer councillors and our Parish Council staff to produce this plan, it has been unbelievably complex. We could have just fallen in line with the local plan like other parishes have, but we wanted to challenge it and be different which is why it has taken so much effort. The plan is not a cure all, but I hope the public vote to accept it because it could prove to be a very important document."
The Parish Councils will be advertising what the plan tries to achieve over the coming weeks, with the referendum currently scheduled for early October 2019.