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Formby cyclist takes on 300 mile ride in memory of murdered MP Jo Cox

A Formby cyclist will honour the memory of murdered Labour MP Jo Cox with a sponsored cycle ride from Yorkshire to Parliament.

Pam Ashton, 72, of Argarmeols Road, Formby, will join a group of 40 to ride The Jo Cox Way 2019 over five days from July 24 to 28, covering 285 miles from the MP's Batley & Spen constituency to the House of Commons.

Jo Cox was stabbed and shot in a politically motivated attack in 2016. Far-right extremist Thomas Mair is serving life in prison for the murder. The Jo Cox Foundation was set up in her name following her death and raises money for issues that were important to the MP, including tackling loneliness, supporting civilians in conflict zone and helping women enter public life.

Labour party member Pam said: "I signed up for the Jo Cox Way because I think it is a wonderful legacy to come out of her too short life and I support any initiative which aims to 'bring people together and help communities' .

"It has certainly hit a note as a huge number of friends and people that I volunteer with have sponsored me.

"Although I am an experienced cyclist I am a bit a anxious about the ride as it is a long time since I have ridden such daily distances one after the other. However I am training and my U3A cycling group are being helpful by coming with me on rides."

Labour MP Bill Esterson met with Pam to offer moral support ahead of the gruelling ride. He said: "My colleague Jo was such a dedicated campaigner and really believed that together we could make the world a better place. Following this journey that Jo took in order to change so many lives is a fitting tribute to her and raises money for some great causes. I am sure Pam will do her proud."

The Jo Cox Way Ride website says: "We are connecting communities using the power of 2 wheels and celebrating the #MoreInCommon values of Rt. Hon. Jo Cox MP. The route represents the journey that Jo Cox took on behalf of her constituents to represent them in Parliament. We are keeping alive Jo's legacy and celebrating the countless selfless activities that people undertake in their communities."

The ride forms part of the series of More In Common events organised by The Jo Cox Foundation.

PIC: Bill Esterson MP with Pam Ashton

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