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Formby and Formby Squirrels Rotary Clubs hold their first young musicians competition

Friday 5th April saw Holy Trinity Church Formby playing host to twelve talented local young musicians. The two Formby Rotary Clubs held their first competition for Young Musicians. The event was well attended and the wide variety of musical genres was thoroughly enjoyed by the audience.

The standard of presentation from the competitors was extremely high and they are all to be congratulated on their excellent performances. We are lucky to have such talented musicians in our locality. Prizes were presented to best vocalist and best instrumentalist. Each winner received a trophy on which their names will be engraved and can be kept for a year, when the clubs hope to hold the next competition. The winners also received their own personal trophy to keep.

Both clubs would like to thank Holy Trinity for the use of the church on the night. Thanks also go to the judges, Karina Beesley, Vanessa Davies and Marie Claire Liptay, and accompanist Robert Chesters.

The photos show Formby Rotary President Elect, Claire Hocking, presenting the best instrumentalist prize to Archie Rawson and Formby Squirrels President Elect, Angela Bramhall, presenting the best vocalist prize to Evie Edwards.

The other musicians taking part were Shamal Harave, Olivia Schanze, Lydia Baldwin, Hattie Redpath, Lana Jackson, Marcus Baldwin, Josie Dodds, Thomas Redpath, Sophia Valente, Maya Ravindran. All are to be congratulated on their performances. Well done one and all.

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