Goodbye to Steve and Sue after 17 years in the Village Newsagents
Goodbye and good luck to Steve and Sue in the Village Newsagents in Halsall Lane in Formby. Steve and Sue Cairn are retiring tomorrow, Saturday 16th February and the newsagents has got new owners, a mother and two daughter team. The Village News has been there for over thirty years and Steve and Sue have been running the shop for 17 years of that. Steve and Sue wish to thank all their friends and customers for their support and custom over the 17 years. Steve said: “I hope all our friends and customers will continue to support the new owners, whilst also continuing to use all the independant shops in the village. Thankyou to all our loyal friends and customers over the years. We are both looking forward to our retirement.” Steve and Sue will be spending their final day at the shop tomorrow if anyone wants to go in and say goodbye and wish them well. Good luck in you future Steve and Sue and may you both enjoy your well earned retirement!