Formby Rotary Club host district governor visit and tackle some gardening!

Formby Rotary Club hosted a visit from District Governor, Steve Martin, who visits each of the clubs in the district during his year of office. To give him a small insight into one of the Club's annual initiatives, Hannah Shaw was also invited to the meeting. Hannah had taken part in the Rotary Young Leaders Award earlier this year. She had been sponsored by Wrexham Erdigg Rotary Club. She gave a very informative presentation on her experiences. DG Steve then gave a short talk, congratulating the Club on its push to enrol new members and all the other activities and projects the Club had undertaken. Not resting on their laurels, the Club was seen a few days later busy helping to give Holy Trinity Churchyard a tidy up. Stacks of leaves and various other bits of detritus were bagged ready to be removed. The Club were supported by Stephen and Ken from Holy Trinity Church. They pointed out that without the Club's help, it would have taken weeks to clear. Rotary members also planted crocus bulbs in the church grounds. These will flower purple in the spring. The purple colour is a reminder of the work that Rotary International has done to remove the scourge of polio throughout the world. Those who have been immunised have their little fingers stained purple so that aid workers know who's had the polio vaccine and who hasn't. That way no one is done twice! Club members were rewarded for their efforts with a bacon butty and cuppa in the church workshop! Top photo show Rotarian Claire Hocking and Ken busy bagging up the leaves. Bottom photo shows L to R Rotarian Jeff Howard, DG Steve Martin, Hannah Shaw, Rotarian Alan Deutsch! President Elect Claire Hocking and Rotarian.