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Statement from Sefton Central MP BIll Esterson regarding the two trees on Chapel Lane Formby

Formby's Labour MP, Bill Esterson, commenting on the proposed loss of two trees in Chapel Lane, said: "The two trees in Chapel Lane which are at risk, are not as healthy as other trees nearby. However, I have every sympathy with the many people in Formby who have raised concerns about the possible loss of trees and have received an updated briefing from Sefton Council.

"It is of course important to recognise that Sefton Council has had its budget cut by more than £200m per year and is obliged by law to assess whether it is financially viable to take the necessary remedial action in order to save the trees.

"I have therefore asked that Sefton Council and Formby Parish Council work together to reach agreement about whether there is some way of saving the trees, which I understand would need significant work carried out to avoid them being potentially dangerous to passersby. If necessary, I have asked that agreement be reached on whether the parish council can make the necessary financial arrangements to make the trees safe now and in the longer term.

"This is clearly an emotive issue for many people in Formby and I hope that agreement can be reached which saves the trees. Sefton Council is suggesting planting replacement, mature trees. This should be considered if it proves impossible to save the trees."

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