Formby choral society new season rehearsals and new singers are welcome

Formby Choral Society’s new season starts with the rehearsal on Wednesday 5th September at 7:30pm in Holy Trinity Church Hall, Rosemary Lane, Formby.
The first concert of the season is on Saturday 17th November and includes Mozart’s Solemn Vespers (anything BUT solemn!), and Haydn’s Paukenmesse (subtitled Mass in Time of War, and chosen specifically to reflect the 100th Anniversary of the end of World War 1).
New singers are always most welcome to join this very friendly choir; and although even a little previous experience is helpful, do not worry if you are not a great ‘sight-reader’. The sheet music is provided.
Further details are available by contacting Angela on 07706 017221.
Take a look at the website: