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Formby Squirrels Rotary Club raise over £600 in their annual Wine tasting night

The Formby Squirrels Rotary Club held their annual Wine Tasting at the Formby Luncheon Club on Friday 29th June 2018. We purchased the wine from Waitrose and Waitrose provided the assistance in the form of Ian Andrews with his expert knowledge of the wines, a very enjoyable quiz and prizes for the winning table.

Six different wines were sampled, 2 white, a rose, 2 red, a prosecco, and a delicious cheese platter with bread and crackers was provided after the second course of wine.

Mike Wallis the outgoing President of the club welcomed the 60 attendees to the evening before handing over to the incoming President Ruth Swift. Everybody had a very enjoyable evening and at the end of the wine tasting a fun game of bingo was played to provide an end to the evening.

It must be admitted that the public address system came into its own as the noise level rose with the consumption of the wine and the level of convivial conversation. The club raised £611.00 which is up on last year’s total.

For 2018/19 the Clubs chosen charities are Formby CVS, Bridge Inn Community Farm, NW Air Ambulance and Save our Red Squirrels.

The Rotary Club of Formby Squirrels would like to thank everyone who supported them over the last 12 months and hopes that this support continues in the future. The club differs from many Rotary clubs in that it is flexible in how it operates, happy to embrace innovation and is truly mixed in its membership.

The club meets twice a month and does not routinely have meals as an integral part of the meeting. It has its business meeting on the second Thursday of each month at 7.30pm in the Fire Station, Church Road, Formby and has a further social meeting on the fourth Thursday of the month which can be bowling, a meal or just a drink at the public house.

If you are interested in the club and want further information please contact phone Ruth on 07891732117 or check out our Facebook page, Rotary Club of Formby Squirrels.

The top photo shows Past President Mike Wallis handing over to the incoming President Ruth Swift.

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