Learn to Make Hand Made Cards at Formby Library - 5th April

Learn to Make Hand Made Cards at FormbyLibrary on a 5 week course
This five week course starts on Thursday, 5th April and will run from 1.00pm to 3.30pm.
It offers the opportunity to try out a wide range of materials and tools and to understand their uses and limitations.
Working in a small group, participants will learn basic paper craft skills and how to put them into practice. So that, by the end of each session you will have produced your own hand crafted card.
All materials and tools are provided.
All places must be pre booked.
Further details are available from Formby Library or
from Ann Knowles on 01704 872333
05 Apr 2018 at 1:00pm
until 03 May 2018 at 3:30pm