MP backs fight against fracking

Sefton Central MP Bill Esterson met with anti-fracking campaigners to support their fight against plans to drill for shale gas on the edge of the borough.
The MP told members of Frack Free Formby that he was fully behind their bid to stop the energy company Aurora from fracking in Altcar Moss in the West Lancs constituency.
Aurora has submitted a 'scoping document' to West Lancashire Borough Council and are expected to submit a formal planning application soon for permission to carry out hydraulic fracturing on the site, which is on the border of Formby.
Mr Esterson said: "Labour's manifesto was clear: we would ban fracking if we were in Government because we need to row back on our reliance on fossil fuels.
"Our energy needs must be met by an investment in renewable energy. I will certainly be opposing this planning application, and my Labour colleagues at Sefton Council have committed to doing the same.
"I was pleased to meet with these passionate campaigners from Frack Free Formby and I support their campaign to fight this planning application."
The Frack Free Formby public meeting will take place at the Gild Hall, Church Road, Formby at 7.30pm on Tuesday February 6.
PIC shows: Bill with Frack Free Formby campaigners (left to right) Moira O'Mahoney, Pauline O'Keeffe, Robin Page, Angela Jackson.