Formby Stormers ladies running group's aim is to reach a £5,000 target to sponsor a guide dog an

Our group is called 'Formby Stormers ladies running group and we have been running together since 2010, as a result of our Crosby group which started a year before I realised that so many ladies were running on their own in Formby.
We are a non profit group, and ask for a 50p donation every week which is donated to various charities over the year. During 2017 we raised money for Beat Charity, Children in need, and our main charity Guide dogs for the blind we took part in a Stormers charity bike ride raising just under £900. Our aim is to reach a £5,000 target so we can sponsor a guide dog and call it 'Stormer' after the group.

Our group is unique in that we are 'free' We have running leaders who will encourage everyone no matter what ability, from walk to run. This month quite a few of the ladies are doing RED January for Mind charity which is running every day for mental health. We thought that this was a positive way to start the new year and running really does help your mental health.
I would like to thank Formby pool for supporting our group and allowing us to meet up there every Monday evening. Please get in touch with club organizer Elizabeth Stanfield 07548994199 or Jan Mullin 07793453039
(visit our website for more information)